Gray Areas

The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. - Deuteronomy 29:29

What is the responsibility which God requires of man? God requires obedience to his revealed will. God wants us to obey His commands (those black and white areas), and to seek His wisdom in the gray areas. A gray area is any matter that is not clearly commanded, prohibited, or permitted in Scripture. Moral gray areas have always existed, and as Christians we need to exercise wisdom and discernment in countless life situations. Whenever we are unsure if something is sinful, we should ask ourselves these questions before proceeding:

1. Is the Holy Spirit convicting me that this is wrong? 

2. Is this action causing a brother or sister to stumble? 

3. Is this action harmful rather than beneficial to my faith? 

With what we know from His revealed will in Scripture, we’ve been well equipped to make wise, God-honoring decisions even in the grayest of areas. 


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